Post operative recovery
Discharge management from the hospital through our own clinical lead communicating with the hospital team to report on your recovery.
Discharge management from the hospital through our own clinical lead communicating with the hospital team to report on your recovery.
If you want to recover from hospital by being in your own home environment, we understand that and can help you achieve it. In conjunction with your hospital consultant we will provide hourly updates, if necessary, back to the hospital, or GP, to appraise them of your progress whilst at home.
Using the latest remote technology we will monitor your vital signs as though you are in an intensive care ward – every 2 minutes your pulse will be taken, as will be your temperature, respiration and pulse oximetry. This will be monitored by our own clinical team, 24×7, who will respond to any alerts through our Healthcare Nursing Assistants. The HNA team will be looking after you for all your health and social care needs on a care plan agreed with Hospital clinicians or the Gp.
We have over 50 years experience in delivering top quality care to all- we arrange trained care workers, Healthcare Nursing Assistants, equipment, Physiotherapy, and all types of support care for the frail elderly, persons with learning disability through to short and long term post operative care for all
Prices begin at £1500 per 5 days, paid in advance, minimum booking 20 days. Phone us now for more details and discussion before booking a hospital assessment.
Carewise Northampton
3 Artizan Rd,
Why choose Live-in care instead of a Care Home?
Carewise Northampton provides your needs at home, on holiday, in extra care housing or even in hospital – we are your own health and care service, with pricing that would put any care home to shame.
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